Activities are a feature added in voice channels in 2022, which allows users to stream videos, movies, and series together, as well as play a variety of simple multiplayer games that are created by the Discord team. Originally, activities were only available on PC, but as of March 2023, they were added to mobile. Activities remain to be only in the English language.
On April 8, 2023, Discord activities became free for everyone for a day.
For Discord's 8th birthday, activities were free for everyone between May 15 through June 15, and on June 16, Discord made all games free for everyone indefinitely.
A user can start an activity by joining a voice channel, then clicking the rocket ship button, then select an activity, get people to join the activity (invitation works too), then an activity can be officially started.
People can leave an activity by leaving a voice channel or clicking the Activity exit icon in the Voice Channel controls or in the Activity Shelf (where the user can also switch to another activity if they desire).
An administrator can also allow or revoke people from joining an activity by going to Server Settings > Roles > Permissions > Voice Channel Permissions > Use Activities or go to Edit > Permissions > Voice Channel Permissions > Use Activities and clicking on either the X mark, /, or check mark.
All activities are free for everyone, even if they don't have nitro, so anybody can start and join an activity. Activities are also available for mobile, and they are cross-compatible. Some games offer in-app-purchases for special content and upgrades