Discord Wiki

Dank Memer is a famous bot on Discord for image manipulation and playing with the currency system.


You can add Dank Memer by its own direct link.

You need the "Manage Server" permission on the chosen server to add the Dank Memer bot. Then, the "Dank Memer" role is automatically assigned to Dank Memer in your server.


Following the slash command rewrite, this page has been edited - All Command articles will be going under rewrite in order to adapt to changes being made in how they are used.

To post images or play with the currency system, you can type a command in chat using "/" as the prefix. These are some commonly used commands. You can re-type after a cooldown time

  • /postmemes to post memes
  • /beg to beg for coins
  • /highlow to guess if the hint number is higher than the hidden number and if you guess correctly gain coins
  • /blackjack to gamble
  • /shop to buy items using coins
  • /daily to get daily rewards, which increase if you run it several days in a row

You can see all available commands through the website or in this wiki.

Here is a list of currency commands on this wiki.


Events sometimes pop up in servers with Dank Memer. The event name can be common, uncommon, rare or super rare. Events will either tell users to enter the required words (not copy and paste, but you can tap backspace after doing it) or answer a trivia question. Entering the correct item immediately within a time limit, they receive coins and/or inventory according to the rarity of the event.


Multipliers are a special bonus that you can get for certain things.

Here is a list of some of the multipliers.

  • 69+ coins | Have over or 69 coins.
  • 69+ Server Emotes | Have 69 or over server emotes.
  • Level 30+ Pet | Having a pet that is level 30+
  • Beta Server | Be in a server with the Dank Memer Beta bot.
  • Premium Server | Be in a premium Dank Memer Server.
    1. dank-memer | Using Dank Memer bot in a channel that has "dank-memer" in its name
  • Tips Enabled | Have tips enabled.
  • Vote Reminder on | Have vote reminder enabled
  • Auto-Lottery On | Have auto lottery enabled
  • Dank Memer Channel | Be in a channel called Dank Memer.
  • Froggy Fresh | Have the Frog emote in the Channel name.
  • Good Boye | Have no warns on the official Dank Memer Discord server.
  • 50+ Commands Used | Use 50+ different commands.
  • Pet Staff | Have your pets name as Melmsie or Aetheryx (Fun Fact, this also has some extra effects. For example, you can see your pet's Developer and sometimes Mod skills.
  • Pet Pepe | have a pet Pepe.
  • Upvoted | Upvote the bot at least once.
  • BIG DICK SHARER | Shared at least 1 million coins.
  • Gifted 500 Items | Self-explanatory
  • LITERALLY SANTA IRL | Gifted at least 21,000 items.
  • 100+ Commands used | Use 100 different commands
  • 200+ commands used | Use 200 different commands

