Discord Wiki

Are you tired of adding increasingly boring and repetitive economy bots to your server? Well, fear not! Introducing SlotBot, the most boring and repetitive of them all. Join the millions of SlotBot users today in their quest to seek absolute boredom. Its features include, but are not limited to

  • Losing all of your virtual currency to a slot machine
  • Marrying people and then divorcing them two minutes later
  • Getting scammed of all your hard earned SlotBot dollars
  • Attacking people in-game with geese

Add SlotBot[]

You can add SlotBot to your server of choice by clicking here.

You must have the 'Manage Server' permission in order to add SlotBot to a server.


SlotBot uses the `~` prefix for all commands.

Below is a common list of commands:

  • ~bal
  • ~pay
  • ~pub
  • ~goose
  • ~shoot

For a full list of commands, visit the command page here.

Wallet Event[]

Wallets will randomly drop within your server containing a mixed amount of cash and goose pills.

Community Server[]

SlotHub is SlotBot's community server. You can find information such as bot status, changelogs, news, and much more.
