Discord Wiki
Party Mode

The Party Mode settings page


Party Mode is a limited-time user setting that could be enabled by going to app settings. This feature was added as part of the update that celebrates Discord's seventh birthday on May 13, 2022. This mode was deactivated on May 16, 2022[1], however it is still possible to activate it by clicking the Wumpus that appears when you hover over boost icons repeatedly.

There were a wide variety of options, such as enabling and/or customizing combos, sounds, screenshaking, its intensity, and its locations, and confetti, its quantity, its size, and its locations.

With this mode, players could earn a wide variety of achievements simply by accomplishing a variety of tasks within the application, such as entering messages.

Before you begin :[]

- You may press and hold any character to increase your score (However pressing things such as backspace will reset your score to 0. And other buttons such as tab, Ctrl, Num Lock, etc will not contribute to your score)

- Most badges can be obtained by forming combos comprising of scores that add up to the required number (excluding "80's pop" and "Travel through time").



Name Description Notes
Is this thing on? Enable Party Mode
The IT solution Disable Party Mode
  • The official description is not exactly true, the user must turn Party Mode off, then on.
  • The achievement popup will still popup when the party mode is off making this description partially true.
  • The name of the achievement is a reference to the fact that computer experts often recommend turning a PC off and on if a PC faces technical issues.
Is it me you're looking for? @mention someone
*Discord notification sound* Get @mentioned This achievement can work with the usage of an alternate account. You can also mention yourself to unlock this achievement.
  • This references how Pings can put the notification sound.
Stuck in character customization Customize confetti In the Party Mode page, the user must scroll down until they see the Confetti section. From there, they can customize the confetti by draging the sliders or disabling/re-enabling confetti location options.
  • This references how they might be stuck
More!! Increase shake intensity In the Party Mode page, the user must go to the Screenshake section and drag the screenshaking intensity slider to the maximum, where it says "AAAAA".
Prepare for trouble Combo multiplier (x2)
  • To do this achievement, the player must type something without pressing backspace to keep up with the combo counter. They must type another message in order to get this achievement.
  • If the user wants to gets all of the combo multiplayer achievements more conveniently, it is recommended to type on a private server, a bot DM, or at least in a channel where message spamming isn't against the rules, since this and its other achievements could encourage spamming.
And Make It Double Combo multiplier (x4) Like the previous achievement, except that the user must type 4 messages within the limited combo multiplier time frame.
A Puebla party Combo multiplier (x5) Like the previous achievement, except that the user must type 5 messages within the limited combo multiplier time frame.
Happy Birthday Combo multiplier (x7)
  • Like the previous achievement, except that the user must type 7 messages within the limited combo multiplier time frame.
  • This is the maximum combo multiplier.


General note: All of these achievements, except for Click for your free prize!, could be accomplished simply by typing. Note that you have to keep an eye on the character counter for specific achievements, and do not press backspace, otherwise, the counter will be reset. It is also recommended to type in a private channel, bot DM, or anywhere else where other people are not bothered with the spam. Pasted content would only add one count to the counter. The counter may decrease for every second too, so make sure you can type in an extra character or two, then wait 1-2 seconds until the counter goes back to the right number.

Name Description Notes
Click for your free prize! Congrats, 100th visitor! There is a hidden counter for every time a user visits the Party Mode page. Once the counter reaches 100, it will go back to 1 for the next incrementation, so the user must keep on switching back and forth between the different setting screens (such as Party Mode and Text & Images) until they would be counted as the "100th" visitor of the Party Mode page. Clicking this achievement, as in the name, will take you to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" song on YouTube.
Will you still need me? When I'm 64
Travel through time 88 miles per hour
  • Type in somewhere 88 characters (cannot be obtained through combos).
  • Presumed to be a reference to the Back to the Future franchise, where there is a DeLorean time machine made from a modified DeLorean sports car, which must reach 88 miles-per-hour in order to travel through time.
  • 88 miles was chosen in the film for it's aesthetics, being symmetrical, in the centre of the speedometer as well as sounding auditorily pleasing.
80's pop Total score (99)
  • Type in somewhere 99 characters (cannot be obtained through combos).
  • Presumably a reference to Nena's song 99 Luftballons (also called 99 Red Balloons in English).
Animation fan Total score (113)
  • Type in somewhere 113 characters.
  • The number is a reference to A113, which in itself is a reference to the California Institute of the Arts, where many animators attended college. A113 is often found in Pixar and Disney movies.
Two birds, one stone Remember 430
  • Type in somewhere 430 characters.
  • This is a reference to a quote in the television series Twin Peaks, where the fireman told Dave Cooper to remember "430" and "Richard and Linda. Two birds with one stone."
Klondike's cell Total score (555)
  • Type in somewhere 555 characters.
  • This is a reference to the telephone number 555.
Gonna be the very best Catch them if you can
  • Type in somewhere 898 characters.
  • This is a reference to the number of Pokémon species that exist.[2]
Be elite Total score (1337)
  • Type in somewhere 1337 characters.
  • "Be elite" sounds like "Be leet" and 1337 is leetcode for "leet" which is short for elite, "leet" being a slang that looks like the number 1337 and is used to describe skill or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and computer hacking.
A slide puzzle True Math fan
  • Type in somewhere 2048 characters.
  • Since this would regularly require Nitro with a higher character count allowed per message in order to accomplish, the player can select some text then remove it. The user can alternatively type in two messages that are of the size of 1024 characters.
  • This is a reference to the game 2048.

