Discord Wiki

The user status in Discord consists of seven settings to serve as quickly changeable notification settings. It was inspired by the status option in many other chat and VoIP programs. The status can be changed by clicking on your profile picture in the left drawer in the desktop or mobile app.

Online Online[]

Online mode is the default status. You receive notifications, can use Discord and show up in the member list normally. You also will have a green circle on your profile picture. Exclusive to desktop, as the mobile version of this badge is different (Mobile users can still see this status).

Idle Idle[]

The Idle status performs the same way as the Online status. Notifications come up normally, and you can use Discord normally.

The Idle status is also set automatically if there was no mouse movement or typing for 10 minutes while set as online. It will also hide the users current non-game activity, such as listening to Spotify.

When there's mouse movement within the window again, you get put back into online status unless Idle status was set manually. Idle displays as a yellow moon-shaped indicator on your profile.

This status was previously known as Away and its indicator was a yellow clock.

Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb[]

Do Not Disturb (also known as DND) disables all desktop and push notifications, even from mentions. Do Not Disturb displays as a red status indicator, which looks like a "no entry" symbol, on your profile.

Streaming Streaming[]

The Streaming status can only be set when streaming on an account integrated with your Discord account. It performs the same way as Do Not Disturb and displays as a purple status indicator on your profile.

Invisible Offline[]

This status is applied to your account as soon as every connected client loses connection. You can also choose to be invisible, Invisible lets you use Discord normally while appearing offline, however the typing indicator will still be displayed when typing. Invisible and offline statuses display as gray status indicators on your profile.

Online (Phone) Mobile[]

A green phone icon is applied when a user is connected via the mobile app. So therefore exclusive to mobile only. (Desktop users can still see this status)
